Slovak Matchmaking Fair Nitra 2019
10 results, 71 profiles in total
3DMsys analysis s.r.o. 3DMsys analysis s.r.o.
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Vit Kysilko, Founder / Stress Engineer
We offer consultation services in the field of structural analysis by using certified ANSYS software. We help you in the prototype phase, validation phase as well as product certification. If you are facing the weight restriction of your product, we ...
3IPK, a.s. 3IPK, a.s.
Slovakia, Bratislava
Ms. Mária Čápová, CEO
3IPK vyvíja softvérové riešenia založené na blockchainovej technológii DCore, ktoré majú za cieľ zefektívnenie inžinierskych a priemyselných procesov najmä v oblasti leteckého a obranného priemyslu, automatizovanie manažmentu vývojových procesov napr...
Slovakia, Banská Bystrica
Ms. Viktoria Vranská, managing director
ADRIAN GROUP is world known producer of energy systems designed for large volume objects heating or cooling and control system: ADRIAN-RAD® - dark gas infrared heaters and ceramic infrared heaters with the alternative in electric infrareds; ADRIAN-AI...
agrokomplex NÁRODNÉ VÝSTAVISKO, š.p. agrokomplex NÁRODNÉ VÝSTAVISKO, š.p.
Slovakia, Nitra
Mr. Ondrej Vaňo, sales manager
Charakteristika podniku V súčasnosti nesie výstavisko názov agrokomplex NÁRODNÉ VÝSTAVISKO, štátny podnik a patrí medzi najvýznamnejšie veľtrhové a výstavnícke spoločnosti v SR a jeho význam potvrdzuje viac ako 40 rokov tradičných ale aj inovatívnych...
AlfaCAD s.r.o. AlfaCAD s.r.o.
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Branislav Markovič, manager
AlfaCAD s.r.o. was created to help partners produce with profit. This means - Helping to simplify and automate production processes, streamline production, increase work safety as well as increase the technological level of production facilities. We ...
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Rastislav Huray, Business Development Manager
Founded in 1991, ANASOFT is a software house that delivers state-of-the-art solutions and technological innovations on an international level. The company´s core strategy is based on the convergence of engineering (operational technology) and ICT. On...
Asociácia priemyselných zväzov Asociácia priemyselných zväzov
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Andrej Lasz, Secretary General
SK: Asociácia priemyselných zväzov zlúčila silné priemyselné zväzy na Slovensku do jedného ešte silnejšieho celku. Spoločne reprezentujeme viac ako 400 firiem. Sme členom Hospodárskej a sociálnej rady SR. Ako nepolitická vyššia zamestnávateľská organ...
ASPENA, s.r.o. ASPENA, s.r.o.
Slovakia, Bratislava
Mr. Matúš Kováč, Business Development Manager
Aspena provides professional translations and other language services from and into more than 50 languages. The key tenets of our business strategy are flexibility, speed, high-standard services and a client-oriented focus. We are continuously expand...
AWS-Slovakia s.r.o. AWS-Slovakia s.r.o.
Slovakia, Namestovo
Mr. Miroslav Michalik, Plant Director
AWS Electronics Group is a leading Specialist Electronics Manufacturing Solutions (EMS) provider, offering services for the entire electronic product life-cycle, from design to manufacturing and on through whole life service, refurbishment and repai...
BARA-Q s.r.o. BARA-Q s.r.o.
Mr. Ladislav Baranyai, CEO
In 2008 we began our activities as tradesmen in the construction sector. Later on, we focused on the interim management we offered to metalworking companies, and from 2013 we are with BARA-Q s.r.o. present in the automotive industry. By 2013, we have...
10 results, 71 profiles in total