Slovak Matchmaking Fair Nitra 2019
3IPK, a.s.

3IPK, a.s.

Slovakia, Bratislava
Ms. Mária Čápová, CEO
Mr. Juraj Zámečník, CTO Aerospace

About Us

3IPK vyvíja softvérové riešenia založené na blockchainovej technológii DCore, ktoré majú za cieľ zefektívnenie inžinierskych a priemyselných procesov najmä v oblasti leteckého a obranného priemyslu, automatizovanie manažmentu vývojových procesov naprieč rozsiahlou dodávateľskou sieťou, zvýšenie bezpečnosti a transparentnosti dát a zabezpečenie originality súčiastiek a zariadení predovšetkým v uvedených priemysloch. 3IPK develops a blockchain solution to facilitate aerospace certification, secured engineering and qualification data management across large supply chain as well as components originality fingerprinting system to allow full data and physical components traceability around the full product lifecycle based on our proprietary blockchain protocol called DCore. Our solution is applicable also in other sectors such as defence, automotive or nuclear.

Areas of Activity

  • engineering
3IPK, a.s.





Additional info about company

Participating in
22.5.2019 B2B negotiations
22.5.2019 Panel discussions
22.5.2019 Raut

Cooperation Profiles

3IPK offers: Expertise in blockchain and aerospace, developers and software architects to create a tailored software solution for a specific customer willing to use blockchain in order to make their industrial processes more efficient. R&D capacities in blockchain, aerospace and application of blockchain in aerospace and other industries. Partnership to create a proof of concept in industrial environment with a potential customer (aerospace, defence, automotive and other sectors). 3IPK is looking for: Partnership to create a proof of concept in industrial environment with a potential customer (aerospace, defence, automotive and other sectors). Cooperation in R&D in areas of blockchain, aerospace and application of blockchain in aerospace and other industries. Partnership with Slovak and also global manufacturers and maintenance providers in various industrial areas, engineering companies, suppliers of IoT sensors and investors focusing on industrial and blockchain projects. Broadening up our network and getting information about calls for tenders suitable for our company.


available production capacities cooperation in R&D investor other partner supplier tenders


available production capacities cooperation in R&D other partner supplier


Ms. Mária Čápová CEO

Mr. Juraj Zámečník CTO Aerospace