ADRIAN GROUP is world known producer of energy systems designed for large volume objects heating or cooling and control system: ADRIAN-RAD® - dark gas infrared heaters and ceramic infrared heaters with the alternative in electric infrareds; ADRIAN-AIR® - big capacity central hot air units as well as decentralized smaller capacity gas fired hot air units with 5 year warranty on heat exchanger and different door curtains; EVAPORATIVE COOLING – high capacity coolers benefiting from natural breeze effect of water with minimum investment and operating costs and maximum cooling impact; DESTRATIFCATION – simple solution to maintain the required temperature regime and additional reduction of energy costs; MULTI-RAD® – microprocessor control systems to manage energy use and consumption and heat by zones. From the very heart of Europe we offer top energy solutions in more than 20 countries around the globe with 25 years of experience. Naša spoločnosť ADRIAN GROUP je už 25 rokov výrobcom komplexných systémov šetriacich energiu pre vykurovanie, chladenie a vetranie veľkých priemyselných objektov aj občianskych zariadení, ako aj v oblasti poľnohospodárstva. Náš sortiment zahŕňa plynové infražiariče, plynové agregáty a generátory, dverné clony, destratifikátory a riadiace systémy. Značka ADRIAN® je aktívna aj v oblasti chladenia. Evaporizačné chladenie je skvelou voľbou pre riešenie bez freónov alebo chladiacich zmesí so zaručeným úspechom v letných mesiacoch. Tieto technológie ponúkajú obrovský potenciál pre úspory energie pre každého koncového používateľa.
We are looking for a partner/potential dealer, assembly and/or design companies in various countries able to offer our heating, ventilation and cooling solutions to customers.
Ms. Viktoria Vranská managing director
Mr. Aleksandr Gashnurov Technical director